As a result of a successful private equity led retail IPO exit (TSX:HBC)

in 2012 and the realization that technology would continue to play a disruptive force in the retail industry, Roark’s Drift was formed to make opportunistic investments in the consumer space. While our circle of competence and network are largely consumer focused, we are industry agnostic given the right opportunity and co-investors.

We seek to partner with ambitious entrepreneurs alongside experienced co-investors and remain actively involved with our portfolio companies. Roark’s Drift makes early stage investments(post-launch with demonstrable revenue traction) allocating between $25k – $250k per deal with the ability to participate pro-rata in subsequent rounds.

The name Roark’s Drift is derived from the fictional protagonist, Howard Roark, in Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead and the historical battle of Rorke’s Drift. The name symbolizes the delicate balance between individualism and collaboration that is required to succeed in an endeavor that is statistically destined to fail. We invest in founders who do not pursue their passion in spite of this truth but because of it.

We celebrate and support those who demonstrate unwavering conviction in the face of insurmountable odds.